Monday, December 3, 2007
Oh boy oh boy ohboyohboyohboy!
photo © Linda Blakely 2007
Two years ago, Tom and I acquired a bottle of this premium Hungarian dessert wine: Demeter Zoltan Tokaji Esszencia. It was originally the dessert wine of the Hungarian Royalty, then only available to members of the high communist party. Now it's rare, but available to those lucky enough to find one. A limited number of bottles are made since it takes around 10 years to make. Yes, I said 10 years! Esszencia is the most precious liquid obtained from Aszú grapes. Prior to making the Aszú wine, harvested berries picked individually from the bunch are stored in wooden casks, with a false bottom made up of loose-fitting slats. 'Essence' or juice, pressed out by the weight of the grapes, is collected and then matured in Gönci casks or demi-johns. With such a high sugar content, Tokaji Esszencia ferments very slowly to about 3-4% alcohol and is a great rarity - a phenomenal nectar rather than a true wine. Due to its intensity it will mature for decades in cask and bottle before it reaches its peak.
Now, you'll notice the title of this post. We have been keeping this bottle in the cellar for two years, waiting until the perfect occasion to open it. That occasion will happen the weekend after next. We're having a Christmas party and inviting a few close friends. Everyone will bring a dish and a good bottle of wine. This is what we'll be opening.
Like I said...Oh boy oh boy ohboyohboyohboy! I'll post my tasting notes after the party ;-)